Trademark Logos
Logos are symbols that represent something. It is usually a company, product or brand. Logos help the company to register a particular image in a person?s mind about the company. For this, the logo has to be attractive, unique, and functional. It should also represent the company?s image well.
Trademark logos are those logos that distinctly represent a company?s intellectual property. Logos are generally trademarked, in the sense that they cannot be used by anyone else. Sometimes, the logo acts as a trademark for the brand or the company itself. The trademark is generally represented by a ? symbol, which confers certain rights to it. However, trademarks are not registered with the government trademarks office. When they are registered, they become a registered (?) mark. A trademark logo confers certain rights on the owner: exclusive use of the mark and ability to lease out or franchise the mark to some other party. Trademark logos are regulated by the jurisdictions of the particular state or country.
There are many kinds of trademark logos: combination (icon and text); logotype/wordmark/lettermark (text or abbreviated text) and icon (symbol/brandmark). A trademark logo can contain just symbols, or both words and symbols. It may or may not contain the company?s name, but having the company?s name is an advantage. Some logos have just a part of the company?s name or just one letter, for example Y! (Yahoo!) or FedEx (Federal Express).
There are many professional designers of trademark logos. An expert would be able to consider all aspects of designing the logo. They would also look at the copyright issues. Prices vary extensively and there are designers who charge as much as $500 for a logo. There are also special software programs that allow you to design logos. Prices start at $30.
Logo Designs provides detailed information on Logos, Logo Designs, Corporate Logos, Trademark Logos and more. Logo Designs is affiliated with Business Logo Design.
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